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E-Marketing Performance Blog

Book Review: 101 Essential Checklists

Deliver First Class Web Sites: 101 Essential ChecklistsDeliver First Class Web Sites: 101 Essential Checklists
Author: Shirley Kaiser
PDF or Binder: 331pages
Cost: $29.95 or 39.95
Last Update: July 2006

There are many books that I have found more enjoyable to read than 101 Checklists, but that doesn’t make this any less valuable of a resource. Especially for the price tag.

This isn’t necessarily a book that needs to be read. In fact, skimming through the checklist introductions and main points is more than enough working knowledge of the information provided. With that, you can pull this resource from your shelf as needed and follow each checklist step by step as you work your way through a project.

The area where 101 checklists was weakest was in the area of SEO. But that’s just my own SEO bias. Overall, though, this is an excellent resource to have, providing lots of reminders for you as you complete a website development campaign.

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