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Why Manufacturers Can’t Afford to Ignore Digital Marketing In 2020 October 22-24, 2019 | Greenville, SC When it comes to their digital presence, many manufacturers are falling behind. Digital ROI is quickly outpacing that of traditional marketing methods, and maintaining a competitive advantage is no longer possible without a focus on digital. I’ll discuss where digital marketing is headed in 2020, comparing it with the costs and ROI of traditional advertising. I’ll also provide valuable tips and strategies that manufacturers need to be using today in order to stay competitive tomorrow.
Your Schematic for Assembling a Powerful Digital Marketing Machine November 11-14, 2019 | Chicago, IL Performance is everything in manufacturing, and if your digital presence isn’t up to industry standards, you may soon find yourself outperformed by your competition. By focusing your digital marketing efforts on user experience, navigation, keywords, and delivering solutions-driven content, your website will be able to meet the needs of your target audience. Stoney deGeyter shows you actionable takeaways that help you ensure your website stays well ahead of the competition.
PubCon Austin February 6, 2020 | Austin, TX Keyword research is (still) one of the most crucial aspects of a successful digital marketing campaign. While there are many important components in successfully marketing a website (links, website architecture, content, etc.), keyword research tops the list of essentials. While there is no single “right” way to conduct keyword research, there are many key things that you must do to ensure that your research can be used to execute an effective campaign.
PubCon Florida March 25-26, 2020 | Miami, FL Landing page optimization is big business for successful PPC campaigns. But you don’t hear a lot about them on the SEO side. When it comes to conversion optimization for the long run, you can’t always treat landing pages and optimized pages as two separate things. Landing pages need to be optimized for conversions, and optimized pages need to work as high-converting landing pages. By looking at what makes a good optimized page and what makes a good landing page, this presentation will show you what is needed to build one highly-converting page for both purposes.

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