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Local SEO

Drive Local Search Traffic to Your Door

If your business serves a local clientele, the internet can literally bridge the gap and bring customers right to your door. With strategic local SEO strategies, Pole Position Marketing can boost your business’ presence and performance in local search.

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— Paul, Penny Farthing Inn

Local business optimization requires different strategies than traditional organic SEOs. There are three primary areas we address when optimizing a website for local search:

On-Page Local Optimization Signals

Local or not, all optimization starts with what you can do on your own website. We apply tactics designed to build your authority for the specific locations in which you wish to grow your business:

  • Keyword optimization – While commonly used, keyword stuffing and creating a bunch of low quality pages at once are spammy tactics that won’t get you very far. Instead, we’ll strategically create city-targeted pages that are each unique and offer something of value to every visitor.

  • NAP Consistency – The consistency of your name, address, and phone number (NAP) are crucial. We’ll make sure these elements are the same across your entire website.

  • Schema.org Markup– We’ll employ specific coding to define how each element of your NAP displays in the Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs).

External Local Signals

While on-page optimization is important, many outside factors impact your local search success as well. Some factors, such as your business’ proximity to a specific location and the searcher’s proximity to your business, are out of our control. But there are some external components we can influence:

  • Add/ClaimGoogle My Business listing – This is the only way to control how your business appears across Google properties, including search and maps. We’ll help you claim or add your listing and optimize it for top performance.

  • Gaining Local Citations Through Link Building– We’ll help you garner online references to your business, ensuring any mention of your NAP is consistent.

  • NAP Information in Local Aggregators – Search engines cross-reference your information with local aggregators to get the most accurate and reliable information on your business. We’ll make sure that your NAP information is consistent across these aggregators as well.

Review Signals

Local searchers rely heavily on reviews when deciding who they want to do business with. Moreover, they are a significant local search signal. We will work with you to create a powerful customer review strategy. By finding where your audience actively engages online, we can determine how best to solicit their reviews.

Put Your Local Site to the Test

Find out if your website contains roadblocks preventing it from performing optimally in local search results. Order a Local SEO Audit.

Your local listings are important if you want your business to be found via search. Let us help you capitalize on the opportunities the internet can provide your business.

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