Post "Jagger" Link Building True and False
I have not talked much about our new link program here in this blog, however I posted what we are doing over at Search Engine Watch Forums and have gotten […]
I have not talked much about our new link program here in this blog, however I posted what we are doing over at Search Engine Watch Forums and have gotten […]
Splash pages are 100% useless to your site visitors with the noted exception of adding extra eye candy to your site. But eye candy, with no real additional purpose, can […]
Splash pages are 100% useless to your site visitors with the noted exception of adding extra eye candy to your site. But eye candy, with no real additional purpose, can […]
He says, she says. What is in the cards for reciprocal links? I have been involved in a correspondence with a link “expert” that works at a very well known […]
There are some typical dos and don’ts of building a website. Sometimes we get caught doing something that looks cool without realizing that the audience is really not served properly […]
If you operate a commercial website don’t clutter your pages with advertisements. Ads may be a great way to generate additional income but they also might be taking away more […]
I just got an email from someone asking for assistance with their SEO. They operated a resort website at a popular ski destination in Canada. The website was designed well […]
If you sell products or utilize a shopping cart system in any way, you can easily increase conversion rates simply by improving your shopping cart system. The fewer clicks visitors […]
You go out to the mailbox (the real one, not the electronic one) and sort through the big wad of mail that you have addressed to you. Is it just […]
If you wish to sell products from different industries you’re better off creating multiple sites to do the job. Few people will trust a clothing website to sell auto insurance! […]
Don’t try to do too much with a single website. Unless you have a nationally recognizable brand name, such as Wal-Mart, that sells both Barbie dolls and car batteries from […]
Even though broadband access is increasing, there is still a significant portion of those still connecting to the Internet via dial up. Keep this in consideration when you design your […]
I’ve noticed recently that everyone is putting out a desktop search tool that you can download to help you find things on your computer, much like the “Search” tool for […]
Yesterday (Wednesday), Google announced that they have fixed a bug in their Gmail system that allows any hacker to break into other people’s Gmail accounts and read their mail, posing […]
Online shopping has continued to grow as the number of online purchases have been increasing significantly each year. Online shoppers are also spending more time shopping, as the average has […]