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Website Architecture

Structure Your Website For Success

Website architecture is the overall configuration of your site: The backend coding, the design, how it’s organized and the total user experience.

The architecture of a site is critical to the performance of your SEO and digital marketing efforts. In fact, site architecture can account for about 30% of a successful SEO campaign, and easily account for 100% of a website’s lack of performance. By trusting your website architecture to Pole Position Marketing, you can ensure that it’s responsible for the success, not failure, of your online efforts.

testimonial“Pole Position Marketing helped us identify and fix key issues that we didn’t even know existed, helping us provide a better overall experience for our visitors.”

— Sue, Places for Kids

Give Your Site a Strong Foundation

Whether you are starting fresh with a new site or preparing your existing website, Pole Position Marketing can ensure your structure supports your digital marketing efforts by focusing on three main areas:

  1. Domain & URL Structure: We will help ensure your domain and URLs are search engine and user friendly. We’ll also make sure your content management system (CMS) isn’t creating duplicate URLs for the same content.
  2. Website Navigation Optimization: We can design a hierarchical website structure with your website navigation that helps both search engine spiders and visitors find what they need efficiently.
  3. Code & Web Page Structure: This covers everything from the quality of your written content to the technical, behind-the-scenes coding issues that visitors may not notice but can hamper your online performance.

Silo Structure

We advocate a “silo structure” or “silo architecture.” This simply means dividing your website into sections of related information. Another way to think about it is in terms of categories. If you, for instance, sold snowmobile apparel, you may have “silos” or categories for boots, jackets, helmets, etc. Each silo would have a main page along with supporting pages addressing that topic.



Sitemaps provide a one-click path to any destination within the site, and a way for search engines to quickly find and index all site pages. Properly functioning sitemaps not only ensure that your visitors can find what they want quickly, but that all site pages get indexed in search engines.

We’ll make sure you have the two necessary types of sitemaps: Those created for your site visitors (HTML) and those created specifically for search engines (XML). Having these in place helps deliver quality traffic to your internal site pages.

What You Don’t Know…

Can definitely hurt you in the case of website architecture. We can conduct a SEO & Website Architecture Audit to make sure behind-the-scenes site structure issues aren’t killing your website’s performance.

Trust Your Site’s Foundation to Us

Established in 1998, we’ve pretty much seen it all when it comes to website architecture issues. We know what to look for and how to address issues in the quickest and most effective way. You can trust us to provide your site with a strong foundation.

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