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Does Your Content Know Where Your Audience Is?

Take Your Online Business to New Heights with the Display Network – Part 2

Man, getting traffic can be so easy…. and dangerous to your bottom line. The truth is, there is an art and science to getting traffic just like any other vocation. It takes skill and knowledge to be successful. So, when it comes to utilizing the Display Network, you need to gather the knowledge that is going to enable you to use the tool correctly to accomplish your goals.

Take Your Online Business to New Heights with the Display Network – Intro

If you are only using the Search Network of Google AdWords to reach customers for your website, you are limiting your online advertising reach big time. On the Search Network, your ads only show when people are looking for what you offer, which is typically in the later stages of the shopping funnel. But, that’s a very small sample compared to the number of targeted online users that could benefit from your products or services. With the Display Network option in your AdWords account, you can reach a much larger group of internet users who could receive the benefits of doing business with your company, but may not be aware they have a need and/or may have never heard of you.

Use Ad Testing to Help Reach Your PPC Marketing Goals – Part 2

OK, so you get this previous post about ad testing and you set up some tests… now what? How do you measure the results? One of the cool features of AdWords is the ability to make a report to observe almost anything about your account. In the case of measuring ad performance, you can create an (that’s right, you guessed it) Ad Performance Report.

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