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E-Marketing Performance Blog

5 Ways to Boost Site Conversions With Content

increase conversions with content

There’s nothing more discouraging than web pages that aren’t working well for you. If you’re experiencing that, you’re not alone. Based on the Econsultancy research, just 22% of online businesses are satisfied with their conversion rates.

Fortunately, content can help you fix this. Creating persuasive copy that triggers the right emotions can be instrumental in convincing potential customers to make the final buying decision.

These specific content tactics can stimulate your conversions.

1. Educate Your Clients

If you want to boost website conversions, you need to focus on the trending keywords that may help to create useful and valuable content for your users. But make sure you’re not keyword stuffing. Instead, build authoritative content that positions you as an expert on the topic represented by those keywords.

Being an expert in your field helps you catch the time and attention of potential customers. Once you have that attention, you can gain the opportunity to show off your services and products.

Here are some good ways to show your expertise:

  1. Create valuable e-books and offer them on your website for free.
  2. Write well-detailed and well-researched articles and guides on important topics in your niche.
  3. Present useful webinars.
  4. Create and share tutorial videos.
  5. Make podcasts.

2. Create Killer Headlines

It’s a well-known fact that headlines are crucial for effective content. Their job is to convince visitors to check out the rest of your article. If you want to catch the attention of your target audience, you should start by writing clear, attention-grabbing headlines.

One of the worst mistakes content marketers make is writing headlines that lack clarity. This often happens when writers try to create clever or catchy headlines in hopes of attracting more attention. What often happens instead is that visitors, confused about what the article is about, skip it entirely.  Therefore, you want to create headlines that are clear and easy to understand.

Keep in mind that readers typically digest the first and last three words in headlines, so make those strong. Try using numbers in headlines as was done on this post:example of number based headline

According to a Conductor study, number-based headlines can convert more traffic into qualified leads and boost engagement.
number based headlines boost engagement


Using adjectives like valuable, beautiful, fun, awesome, etc., can also increase readers’ interest.  Additionally, using these five power words can increase your CTR: free, new, because, you, and instantly.

This headline makes good use of colorful adjectives to make the headline more enticing:

powerful adjectives for headlines

Be sure to add the right keywords to your headlines as well for an added advantage over your competitors. Before writing blog posts, perform keyword research and use keywords in your titles.

Research by Outbrain showed that using punctuation can increase CTRs by 9%. Just insert your target keyword before the hyphen or the colon and use your killer headline after that like the example below:

using punctuation in headlines

Besides your main headline, you want to use subtitles and subheadings to make your content scan-friendly. By organizing your site copy in this way, you help readers better understand your content.

 3. Test your CTAs

The main objective of a call-to-action, of course, is to persuade clients to take a key action, after catching attention, building interest, and arousing a strong desire. What kind of CTAs you should use depends on your content. If you publish a long, detailed article, it will make sense to invite people to leave comments and share the article in social media like this:

pick the right CTA

To increase conversions, just ask your customers to do exactly what you want. If you want them to sign up, subscribe, or share a post, just ask them to do that.  Each blog post can serve as a starting point for an eventual purchase. That’s why it’s important to treat your content with care and create a perfect landing page.

To get more attention, test different CTA button colors and text to determine which work the best for your readers.

test cta colors and wording

4. Use your social content

Social media plays an important role in increasing your brand awareness. The fact that 40% Twitter users purchased products based on tweets from influencers illustrates the power of social media in the conversion process.

People put a lot of trust in reviews and feedback from other customers (especially friends and family) when making purchasing decisions. Showing people good reports on your products can remove any doubts and fears and get more conversions.

Adding more user-generated images, high-quality content, reviews, testimonials, or interesting videos to your product pages can arouse customers’ interest. SE Ranking increased conversions by 24% by adding customers’ reviews to the home page.

increase conversions with user generated content

5. Take content ideas from your readers

It makes no sense to create a bunch of useless content. The best way to create the right content is to find out what users like to read about.

There are different ways to get content ideas from your customers:

  1. Answer common questions. Check customer service records to determine which questions customers ask the most. Solve their issues in your content.
  2. Monitor readers’ comments. Readers often post questions or comments that can be jumping off points for entirely new blog posts.
  3. Analyze Time On Page. Use Google Analytics to evaluate the Avg. Time on Page for various pieces of content. The pages visitors spend the most time on can give a good indication of the type of content they want to read more of.
  4. Ask. Simply ask readers that they want to read more of like Salesforce did with their survey.

ask readers what type of content they want

Final Thoughts

There’s no one cut-and-dried answer for what type of content works best for increasing website conversions. But you can try out these five ideas and do a little bit of experimenting of your own to come up with the perfect content mix. When you give people what they are looking for, you keep them coming back for more, leading them to an eventual conversion.

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