I’m a big fan of checklists and, in fact, have written the ultimate web marketing checklists in my book, The Best Damn Web Marketing Checklist, Period! You can read all kinds of posts about the virtues of checklists, but I wanted to address [inlinetweet prefix=”” tweeter=”” suffix=””]7 ways that a checklist can help you improve your own web marketing efforts.[/inlinetweet]
- “What’s next?” is never a question you have to ask because your checklist will always lead you to the next step.
- You get faster results because you spend less time looking for the next problem to solve. The checklist tells you where to go and what to do.
- You make fewer errors because you don’t have to rely on memory. Just go down the list and complete your tasks.
- Greater consistency in getting results by starting with what you know typically works. It’s less trial by error and more doing what works first and moving on to the unknowns later.
- It’s easier to delegate tasks to other members of the team. Nobody has to recreate the wheel, but instead they can jump in where the last person left off.
- Nothing gets missed because it’s all documented and ready to follow.
- Your checklist is always improving. As web marketing tactics and strategies change, your checklist can, too. This helps keep everyone on the same page, putting their efforts where they are most valuable.
If you already have your own checklists for web marketing, great. If not, check out the book linked above for the most comprehensive web marketing checklist you’ll find anywhere.