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E-Marketing Performance Blog

How to Make Your Content Your Best Salesperson [Infographic]

content writing checklist

What would your website be without written content? All that would be left is images. And while a picture may be worth a thousand words, you still need words to inform, clarify, and most importantly, sell what you offer.

But that’s not all. It needs to appeal to both the emotional and logical centers of the brain, making visitors feel good about both your business and your product or service. It also has to meet the diverse needs of the audience. Some visitors read, some scan, some investigate, and others skip it completely. Some visitors require technical data, others require emotional appeals, others require benefits, and still others need factual proof. Your content must meet all those needs while delivering a seamless experience for all.

If that’s not enough, remember that your content is usually the first, and quite often the last, point of contact with a potential customer. It is your virtual salesperson. But unlike the cliche used car salesman, your content must sell without leaving your visitors feeling sold.

Whew, that’s quite a tall order. Fortunately, there is a checklist for that! This checklist covers the writing and creation of content for your website and how to make sure your message is effective at providing the visitor what they want, all the while fulfilling your business’ goals.


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This checklist is a part of the free downloadable companion piece to The Best Damn Web Marketing Checklist, Period! Download The Best Damn Web Marketing Cheat Sheet! for an easy-to-print and check-off version that includes this and 35 other checklists!

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