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E-Marketing Performance Blog

Copywriting Tip: The Dead Tone

Copy should be lively and induce curiosity. We all remember those professors who droned on for two hours in that monotone voice. I had one professor who at least broke up the monotony by shouting, “note that down!” every fifteen minutes. Don’t get me wrong the man was brilliant. At least it was better than the professor I had who would fall asleep standing at the whiteboard as the marker left a streaking downward arrow and we all looked at each other, wondering if we could leave now.

My point? You don’t want your readers falling asleep. You want to keep them interested and reading on. The more they read about what you can do for them, the more likely it is that they’ll make the conversion. Induce curiosity in them and make them feel that they couldn’t live without you. The emotional response will be to purchase.

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