Over the next few weeks we’ll be in the process of rolling out some pretty significant changes. First, I’ve been named
Pimp McFly Associate Editor at Search Engine Guide. What this means exactly, I still haven’t been told. But I think it has something to do with blogging.
So seeing that I’ll be doing 90% of my blogging over there, we are going to change our focus over here at EMP. A new design has been in the works for the past couple of weeks and we hope to have that rolled out shortly. With the new design we’ll be moving the blog back to the Pole Position Marketing domain and turn it into a local company blog.
You’ll see a lot of the same posts, such as team reading lists, search engine market share, monthly roundups, etc. I’ll also be posting more on company business and other things that have to do with Reno marketing. And I’ll continue to link to my articles at Search Engine Guide.
I know I’ll probably lose some subscribers over here, but I’m cool with that if you all make your way to subscribing to the Search Engine Guide RSS feed. There you’ll find a lot more than just my content, as there are almost a dozen great bloggers posting their insights each week.
I hope to make EMP much more personalized as I speak more directly to the Reno market. I’m looking forward to the things to come and I hope you are to.
Oh, and I am Pimp Mcfly, regardless of what Jennifer or Robert say.
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