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E-Marketing Performance Blog

Where Did All Your Good Blogging Ideas Go?

blogging ideasYou never know when that good idea is going to come. Could be in the middle of the night, it could be while watching TV, or even while reading this blog post. Got a good blog post idea in your head right now? Good, now remember it.

But don’t forget about that email you have to respond to, the co-worker who’s bouncing ideas off you, the customer who’s asking questions, the kids who are staaaaaaarving, and the trash that forgot to be taken out.

Now, do you still remember that idea? Chances are, you will have forgotten your good idea if you didn’t take a few seconds to jot it down. [Tweet This]

Luckily, jotting down ideas is easier than ever. No more hunting for a paper and a pen, there are a hundred apps you can use on your phone, which is always with you. And if that’s too high-tech for you, use your phone’s notepad and email the idea to yourself.

If you and your team don’t take the time to jot down good blog post ideas, you’re losing good ideas to bad memory. Face it, good ideas never come at a good time. Find a quick way to jot it down before you forget!

When you have time, take all your jots, notes and random thoughts and organize them into a document that you can refer back to whenever your creative well has run dry. By making a habit of doing this, you’ll never run out of great things to blog about!

Tagged As: Blogging

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