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E-Marketing Performance Blog

Google is Listening

Have you ever been involved in a private conversation only to learn that someone else has been listening in. Disconcerting, isn’t it. I’m sure all you Google Talk users already know that Google has been “reading” your messages, but now Google is listening, too. Well, sort of.

Google Labs has just released Music Trends. This is a what’s hot list of what music Google Talkers are talking about with each other. Trends are broken down into categories of music styles and if you click on the band links you’re presented with some Google search results for their albums. Oddly, nothing was returned for Nickelback, and very little for Collective Soul, two of my favorite rock bands. Click on the song and it’ll tell you what album it appears on and point you to some lyric pages.

So, what’s next, Movie Trends?

Tagged As: Google

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