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E-Marketing Performance Blog

Google to Allow API for Adwords

The Silicon Valley Watcher is reporting that Google will allow users to have an API key to access their adwords accounts. This, I’m sure, will be a great benefit to adwords advertisers. The API will allow advertisers the ability to manage their accounts in a more automated process.

Whether this will be open to software developers, is unknown. Overture allows a select number of programs to access their system via API. These selected vendors can sell their service to help manage your Overture advertising account. Google’s API, if open to software developers, would do much the same thing.

Hopefully, with this, Google will give advertisers access to their search/click estimates for specific keywords. Currently the easiest way to gather such stats is with a WordTracker subscription, however WTs often does not provide stats on lesser searched phrases. Overture also provides stats but combines plurals, singulars and other stemmed variations providing non-accurate results. If Google allowed advertisers, including SEO companies the ability to access this information we would be able to provide more accurate search traffic estimates in the keyword research phase of any project.

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