Sorry folks, the holidays have come and gone. Yeah, I know it’s only mid-November, but if you want to get your site optimized for the season, well you’re too late. At best you can try to throw up a quick PPC campaign, but those take time and data to fully optimize. You’ll bring in business, but not with the best ROI.
But it’s not too late to start thinking about 2016!
I’m serious.
Optimization, paid ad campaigns and social strategy all take time to develop, implement and start seeing the results of. Starting now ensures you have more than a good plan, but a proven plan in place for 2016 holidays.
Your PPC campaigns will be giving you the best conversions for the lowest rates.
Your social media will have built up respect and credibility so you can afford to do a little extra self promotion without alienating your audience.
Your architecture and optimization will be streamlined for the best site performance and a broad keyword reach for delivering new traffic.
You missed the boat for 2015, but start now and you can be ready for the 2016 season.