You may not think of your website as being magical, but think about it: Your website has the capability of pulling visitors into another world (dimension, if you like). Moreover, it has the ability to solve someone’s most critical current problem. If that’s not magic, I don’t know what is!
If your website is a new uncharted dimension for your visitors, your home page is the magical portal that ushers them in. Or at least it should be.
True, not everyone will immediately hit your home page from the search engines, but there’s a good chance that even those who don’t will eventually seek out your home page. Why? Because they know it’s the best place to find out what you’re all about and get a feel for the rest of the site.
For such an important location on your site, this checklist is rather short. That’s because while the home page’s role is vital, it’s simple: Give an overview of your company and get visitors to where they need to go, like any good portal should.
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