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E-Marketing Performance Blog

Image Optimization Matters – Don’t Forget About It!


Image optimization matters

In all the optimization people do, they often forget about the value of optimizing images. I’m not talking about optimizing images on a page to help the page rank better in search results but rather optimizing images so the images themselves can rank and drive more clicks to your site through visual appeal.

Image optimization can be an important avenue for drawing in traffic from image search as well as social shares. A good image can compel a click through to your site just as well as a good headline!

computer-767781__180Image optimization isn’t just about adding descriptive text to the image’s alt attribute. There are over a dozen image optimization tips that I have outlined in my Web Marketing Checklist. The goal is to do as much as you can to ensure the images are optimized for search and visitors.

It’s said that a picture is worth 1,000 words, and it’s true. But an optimized image is worth 1,000 words that are likely to be read 1,000 times!

Optimize images as a means to provide both visitors and search engines a signal regarding the content of the page. This may come before they land on the page or after, but the image itself should reinforce what the visitor will be reading.

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