I’ve been reading up on Yahoo’s release of SmartAds, and of all of them I find Yahoo SmartAss the most amusing, probably because I like the play on words.
Search Engine Land actually had a better in depth post, touting SmartAds as the Future of Graphical Advertising. To sum up all the fine print into more sizable bites, SmartAds will do the following:
- Create users groups based on demographic, geographic and behavioral profiles
- User groups will be organized into categories and subcategories
- To include categories and subcategories as mentioned above
A searcher who has set their default location at Yahoo weather, will have ads specific to their location displayed through out the duration of their Yahoo visit. If they’ve searched for a specific term, ads specifcially related to that term will display even after they’ve left their search and moved on to Yahoo Games or Music. Pretty clever marketing.
On a side note, I found it interesting that smartads.info displays Google’s AdSense AdWords, not Yahoo Search Marketing.