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E-Marketing Performance Blog

Lame "Introduce Yourself" Post, With a Twist

What’s the twist? You’ll have to read through to the bottom.

One of the problem with blogs is that you can’t accurately track visits or page views and you often don’t know who your readers are. I get a good number of page views each day, but that doesn’t account for people reading through RSS readers or other subscription methods. This makes me curious.

But what I’m most curious about is the nature of my readers, specifically:

  • what brought you to this blog
  • what keeps you coming back
  • what are your primary blog-reading interests
  • what suggestions do you have for me as I continue to develop this blog

If you got criticism, don’t be afraid, I can take it. My goal here is how I can better meet the needs of my audience, and to do that I have to know my audience first, right?

So go on, speak up and introduce yourself. Oh, and the twist? I’ll randomly give away a handful of EMP books to commenters to this post.

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