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E-Marketing Performance Blog

How to Become An Authority In Your Niche

How to become a niche authority

One of the hardest parts of being a great publisher is coming up with high-quality content that gets attention. With so many “authorities” out there, how do you become an authority on your own?

The web is full of content, free for the reading. This content can be used as a starting point for developing content of your own. Look for questions people are asking, problems in need of solutions or thoughts and ideas that you can expand on or add your own layer of expertise to. This creates a great opportunity for you to create content for your own own blog and social networks.

Don’t worry about whether someone else has already written about this topic or answered a particular question. This is your chance to put your own spin on it, with your own thoughts and ideas. By providing your unique perspective, you are providing valuable information that your readers can benefit from. And while there may be some overlap in readers, you’re probably able to reach people that others don’t or can’t.

Think about how many books have been written on a single topic? I’m sure there are hundreds of books, magazines and newspaper articles written about Abraham Lincoln. Yet each provides a different perspective with unique insights.

Most authors and writers use what others have written on the topic as the basis of their research. This research gives them authority to write about the topic themselves. Writers that reference their sources are simultaneously lending credibility to the source while also building their own credibility by proving they are using credible sources.

It’s not much different for you as a web publisher. Look for information in your area of expertise. Use it to learn from but also to generate your own thoughts and ideas. No two opinions are exactly alike so your research will help you form thoughts that only you have.

Link out to other authoritative resources that have been instrumental in your knowledge. And as you do that, you become an authoritative source in your own right, earning links from others doing the same thing. The more you learn, know and prove that knowledge through your own content and others, the more you’ll be able to work your way up that authority ladder for your industry.

For more on authority, read “What is Website Authority and Why is It Important?”

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