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Review: The Top 10 Distinctions Between Millionaires and the Middle Class

The Top 10 Distinctions Between Millionaires and the Middle Class
Authors: Keith Cameron Smith
Hardcover: 128 pages
Cost: $10.17
Published: August, 2007

You’ll not find a more simplified, boiled down analysis of what separates the rich from, well, everybody else. No, this isn’t a book talking about how rich people are a bunch of greedy SOB’s. Nor is it talking about some get-rich-quick scheme or how you can make millions of dollars overnight. While the book may be short, it’s quite simple in its approach answering the question, why do some people have more money than others?

The top ten distinctions the author walks us through outline the basic idea that how successful you are is largely determined by your thoughts and your actions. Most millionaires have achieved their success because they had the right mindset to become millionaires. They had goals and sacrificed what they had to to get there, but they also kept their frame of mind in the right place, asking the right questions, taking risks, and developing ideas.

Because of its simplicity, Top Ten Distinctions makes it clear that anybody has it within themselves to become a millionaire. Sure, some have more hurdles to cross than others, but these things can all be overcome and financial success–financial freedom–can be achieved by anyone who puts their mind to it. The distinctions between millionaires and middle class are not that millionaires have more money, they were just determined not to live out a middle class existence that often struggles to pay bills, afford vacations, or are living from paycheck to paycheck.

Financial freedom is available to all. Once you know what separates those that have much from those that don’t, you can begin to mold yourself to have the mindset that allows you to become free financially. Oh, and just for a quick preview, my favorite distinction was number four: Millionaires believe they must be generous. The middle class believes it can’t afford to give. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve thought that I can’t afford to donate here or help that person there. I’m off to change my own mindset!

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