NicheBOT bears the distinction amongst similar tools as being a very practical resource hub for keyword/search phrase research. By using a single interface to present information from seperate standard keyword research resources such as Wordtracker and Overture, NicheBOT is a very practical time-saver.
In addition to drawing search phrase information from recognized and trusted industry resources, NicheBOT also offer several unique and useful tools to augment the keyword research process. A summary of those features follows:
- An integrated drill-down feature allowing users to easily refine and locate increasingly specific search phrases to target.
- Along with search volume, the number of Google search results returned for a search phrase is also presented. As well as a competitive ratio between search volume and search results.
- Keyword analysis feature which presents the top ten search results for any given search phrase as well as detailed information about each result, including URL, link popularity and PageRank.
- Integrated Searchable Thesaurus.
- Integrated Lateralus allowing users to query the keyword database, thesaurus database and analysis database from a single interface.
- NicheBOT is a free to use service that is accessed directly from the internet at
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Tools and Resources