Danny interviewed Google CEO Eric Schmidt. Here are paraphrases of the questions and answers. My apologies goes out to both if I have summarized incorrectly or if an intent is misimplied.
DS: What did you mean when you recently said that you want to help people not “bet against the internet”.
ES: There is an emergent new model of tech businesses. This starts with the premise that data should be on servers and many devices can access that information. Advertising is driving this new model. Betting against the internet are those that don’t create easy to use platforms that can cross multiple accessing technologies.
DS: What does Google do to protect private user information?
ES: Google wants to make sure that nobody’s information can be available that can be used against him. Google has protections in place that prevents information from being stolen.
DS: There is a growing concern about the personal information that can be found using a search engine. While the search engines are simply an easier conduit to find this information, do the search engines need to put more protections in place to prevent personal and private information from being so available.
ES: Google would be very concerned if information found on Google was used to harm someone. Google is an aggregator of information and the publishers are actually the one’s responsible.
DS: Google has become more transparent recently but not transparent enough, especially in areas of click fraud.
ES: Google feels they have it under control and have recently allowed users to see Google’s estimated click fraud rate.
DS: Adsense has created a lot of junk on the internet. Should Google be stomping down on more of this?
ES: This is the cost of success. Many people have been able to fund legitimate businesses so overall this is a great outcome. But there are always abuses and Google anticipates this. There will be more and more sophisticated tools to combat the abusers.
DS: Is search at a point where there is nothing new or is there an “oh wow!” moment coming with the next big advance.
ES: Google is developing a program that allows people to build gadgets and personalize their home page more and more. Many of Google’s partners are embedding Google into their applications more deeply, giving several options in search: simple Google search, personalized Google and Google embedded in online communities.
DS: Google has created an entire link commodity that Google fights against. Is there a point where Google just steps back and lets the online community do as it wants?
ES: Google will do what is necessary to improve standardized results. Google is also looking a number of factors that are not link based.
DS: Google is everywhere, when will there be a Google implant? (laughter) How do you keep from going over the line in regards to all the products Google offers.
ES: Google uses search as a unifying experience. Making money is not Google’s primary goal, but to improve the users online experience.
DS: Do you ever say you Googled something?
ES: No, or I’d hear from the lawyers.
DS: How often do you search?
ES: About 1500 times a day. We live in a world where people make all sorts of claims, I inform my self by searching those claims’ truth.
DS: When was the last time you clicked on an ad?
ES: I do it all the time, I’m a frequent shopper.
DS: What is your favorite Google product?
ES: I use search the most but my favorite is Certified by Google.