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E-Marketing Performance Blog

Small Business Marketing Unleashed: Day Two Wrap up

I am a day behind on getting this out for the day 2 of Small Business Marketing: Unleashed, but better late than never.

Day 2: Workshops

The day was kicked off with a presentation by one of the sponsors ideablob.com, and then we were released to go to workshops. (Sage Lewis, of SageRock.com tends to refer to each session / workshop as a class, which truly describes what the conference was like.) There were three time blocks with four workshops running in each block – Each block running an hour and a half. With that amount of time, we really were given in depth lessons on each topic. The hot topics were repeated, so you didn’t miss out on anything.

My schedule:
Keywords and Content presented by Heather Lloyd-Martin of SuccessWorks Search Marketing
Building a Community presented by Sage Lewis of Sage Rock
Link Building presented by Debra O’Neil-Mastaler of Alliance Link

The workshops were followed up with an afternoon Networking session where everyone mingled and wrapped up the conference. All and all, this conference was the best learning and networking experience anyone could have ever hoped for.

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