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E-Marketing Performance Blog

Sometimes Motivation Has to be Felt

My daughter recently turned 15 and now that school is out it means it’s time for her to get a job. Unfortunately, despite my threats of cutting off her allowance, she has not taken job hunting seriously. Weeks ago I started talking with her about getting out there so she can possibly have a job lined up and start work by the time school gets out. But, unfortunately, she never made that a a priority. Until she realized that she has no money to pay for text messaging!

Will Work for Text Messaging

I’ve never seen her so motivated in my life! She’s starting to take the whole getting a job thing seriously. This week she spent some time calling places to find out who will hire someone under 16. She found three places, the skating rink, the water park, and the child care at the gym.

My wife picked up the applications and helped her answering the questions. It’s all so new to her. She got them turned in and went for her first interview at the skating rink, which, I’m told, went fantastically. She’s got another interview scheduled for next week at the gym. Before I know it, my little girl will be texting her friends once again. Even better she’ll be learning about real-life responsibilities, and what it takes to “survive” in the real world. All it took was a little motivation.

Put feeling into your words

Motivation is a funny thing. You can try to encourage people by telling them the benefits of this, that or the other, but sometimes it’s just not enough. You’ve got to make them “feel” it. If you craft your message right, you can do just that using words only. This is true whether you’re dealing with a child, spouse or a customer over the Internet.

Fast food restaurants use words (and pictures) to make you feel hungry. Non-profits raise money by making you feel sad and/or that you can make a difference. Employers motivate by making their employees feel valuable. Is this all just lip service? It shouldn’t be. Feelings only last so long as the actions behind them support it.

In advertising and marketing you can illicit feeling in your words and pictures. You can stir feelings of pain, anger, relief, desire, attraction, want, hope, satisfaction, love, etc., etc., etc.. And if you really want to close the sale, you have to make people feel like what you are selling is going to meet their wants or needs.

When you’re words convey feeling, then you are motivating them to take the action you desire. Essentially you’re helping them make the decision because they’ll know they’ll feel good about the result. This helps them feel confident and comfortable that they are doing the right thing.

You can talk to your customers and try to explain why they need what you sell. Or you can use words to motivate them by making them feel the emotion that will make them want to buy. The difference is, by merely talking to them you are leaving the decision up to them. When you motivate your visitors by using feelings, you’ve actually done them a favor. You’ve helped them solve a need. Now they are just not your customer, they are your friend.

As for my daughter, I obviously didn’t motivate her enough with my words. But cause and effect is a wonderful motivator as well!

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