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E-Marketing Performance Blog

The Marketing Partnership

The goal of marketing is to create awareness within a specified demographic. The value of the product or service is not initially as important as the perceived value if the product or service you are attempting to market. But it does matter.

Say, for example, you are tasked with the marketing of a new sports car. The car looks great, goes fast and is priced to move, but is just not built to last. You play on the strengths of the product and prey on the weaknesses of your demographic. You run a marketing campaign that shows the vehicle zipping along the roadway, stopping at some exotic location, and garnering oohs and ahhhs from some beautiful woman. I would imagine the sales would be very strong initially. But, what happens when the word gets out on the quality of the product. How do you overcome poor performance of the product? In my opinion, you don’t. If a product or service can’t deliver any level of decent quality the campaign will eventually fail.

The best examples of this are in the film industry. All the advertising in the world won’t help the longevity of a picture once the public has seen it. A cleverly executed campaign can still get a decent opening weekend for a film, but once the word of mouth starts you can expect huge drop offs in ticket sales for the brief period that the picture even remains on screens.

On the other hand, if a product or service is quality but the marketing plan is ineffective, you can expect a disappointing result as well. The true successes happen when both side contribute their best efforts. Only when the product or service has merit and the marketing campaign is properly conducted to the target demographic can the best results be achieved.

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