This year my kid’s schools have started putting the children’s grades online for the parents to view. As a big fan of the TiVo, iPod, DirecTV, XM Radio, DVD, Internet, E-Mail and refrigeration, I find this “invention” to be one of the absolute best in the history of great inventions. But I have to say, it sucks to be a kid nowadays!
Not only can I get online at any time and see current grades for each child in each class, I can view specific grades for homework assignments, class participation, attitude in class, tests, and extra credit. Whoever thought of this needs to be kissed by the most gorgeous man or woman on the planet. And not just a peck on the check, a full-on tongue-in-mouth smooch!
It used to be you had to wait for mid-quarter progress reports to know how well your kids are really doing. Now we know instantly when grades are lacking, or when real improvements are being made. Being able to see the grades for just about everything the child gets scored on allows us to easily pinpoint areas of improvement in our kid’s study habits. And I don’t even have to check it every day, I get an email whenever grade postings are updated. Gotta love that. And I do!