Every potential customer on your site has questions. The purpose of your site is to answer as many of them as sufficiently as possible. If most of the would-be customers’ questions are answered, you have a stronger chance of turning them into a true customer. But there’s one question that if not answered, will immediately kill any such opportunity.
That question is: “Can I trust you?”
Face it, choosing to buy a product or service from someone you’ve never seen before requires a good deal of trust. After all, we don’t do business with just anyone. So the company that wins the most customers is the company that is most trusted by their customers.
But trust has to be demonstrated before the customer is a customer. You have to show them why they should be a customer. Which means demonstrating trust in a way that gives them enough confidence to believe you.
5 Ways to Cultivate Trust On Your Website
Gaining trust online can be more difficult than doing so offline. People are generally more leery online, and giving business to someone on the internet takes a bigger leap of faith. But building trust can be done. Here are some easy ways to do it:
1. Display organization memberships
Add logos of organizations you’re a part of. Memberships with the Better Business Bureau or local chambers of commerce really help boost visitors’ confidence in doing business with you. But don’t limit your membership boasting to just those. Being a part of smaller organizations can help as well. Every organization that you belong to is, in a way, vouching for you. Visitors will likely assume that they don’t let just anyone in their organizations and that they don’t let just anyone post their logos online.
2. Display industry recognition
Similar to memberships in organizations, any recognition you have received from known authorities in your industry should be touted. Dedicate a place on our website to post any honors or rewards you have received.
Placing these in the footer of your website, as we have done, is one way to do this. You can also include them on About Us and other pertinent pages.
3. Link to policies
Policy pages aren’t exactly exciting reading–and most people won’t even bother. However, a simple link to these pages can often be enough. Just knowing that you have policies can reassure visitors.
Privacy and security policy pages are used to spell out exactly how you use the information your customers provide. Make it clear that you treat their personal data with the utmost respect, and say so in the link. Simply stating, “we value your privacy” in the link to your policy pages can often work wonders. Just make sure the content on the page itself backs that up.
4. Authority content
I’m sure you already know how valuable content is for your ongoing digital marketing efforts. But at least part of your content strategy should be to publish “authority” content. In fact, most of your content should, in one way or another, demonstrate that you are an authority in your industry, recognized or not. And where above I outlined how to tell them, your content should simply show them.
When you publish authority content, you never have to say you’re an authority. Let your content (and in the case of memberships and industry recognition–other people) say it for you.
5. Tell your story
People love a good story. And they love even more doing businesses with someone that has a history they can relate to. Maybe you don’t have a rags-to-riches testimonial, but every business had its early trials. Let your customers know that no matter how big your company is, it’s being run by real people living real lives.
Create a robust and informative about us page (or pages) that provides profiles of key people and outlines your mission and vision. Use these pages to tell your story and relate to your customers in a human way.
It’s All About Trust
Earning and retaining customers is all about trust. If all you’re doing is hawking your wares, you’re not doing much to instill trust to the customers you want to convert. And we all know that saying, “trust me, you can trust me!” isn’t going to work.
But by implementing the steps above–and actually being trustworthy–you can give potential customers the reassurance they need to put trust in you. When it’s all said and done, you can have the best product in the world, but without trust, you’ve got no takers. It’s up to you to show that you can be trusted to earn the business you want.