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E-Marketing Performance Blog

Can You Hear Me Now? Why, Yes You Can!

I’m going to try something new for a while that I’m somewhat excited about. This is for those of you who can’t wait until PubCon to hear me speak… now you can hear me speak almost daily.

Starting today I’m going to be recording an audio cast of my blog posts. I won’t record every post, only those that I deem worthy. You should see an MP3 icon at the top left of each post that has an audio version. Click on that and it’ll open up the audio file. You can also save the file to load to your iPod or MP3 player.

You can listen to my first podcast from this morning’s post, Reno, I Love You But You’re Embarrassing Me! I don’t have the best microphone so there is a bit of background noise, but ultimately not too bad. You’ll notice that I don’t read the post verbatim but use that as my general guide. The audio stays pretty close to the text but I tend to expound a bit more as well as add quite a bit more “ums” and “ahs”.

I would greatly appreciate your feedback. Let me know if you like it, don’t like it or how we can improve it.

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