Most usability problems go unnoticed by the average web user, at least on a conscious level. Heck, many visitors may tell you just how great your site is, even while it’s rife with problems!
Despite the accolades, your site is very likely underperforming in getting the coveted conversions you want. Fixing usability issues isn’t about getting more pats on the back for your awesome website; it’s about creating the best user experience possible for every visitor on your site.
Many things done by web developers can look good to the eye, but can just as often be annoying to the typical visitor. It might be obvious, such as content that is hard to read or call to action buttons that are hard to find. However, most usability issues are usually less obvious, and would never even be noticed by visitors.
The points outlined in this Conversion Optimization and Usability Issues Checklist may not fix every problem on your site, and some may not work at all, but by testing each usability change you make, you can know which ones produce the best gains and which to ignore completely.
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This checklist is a part of the free downloadable companion piece to The Best Damn Web Marketing Checklist, Period! Download The Best Damn Web Marketing Cheat Sheet! for an easy-to-print and check-off version that includes this and 35 other checklists!
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