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E-Marketing Performance Blog

The Two Foundations for Digital Marketing You Might Be Missing

digital marketing foundations

There are two primary foundations of any successful digital marketing campaign, and your site needs both if you want to succeed. What are these foundations?

  • Site Construction
  • Site Message

Site Construction

Code can be a funny thing. First there is the functional aspect of the code. If it works, to developers, it’s a win. But there is another aspect to code that developers must pay attention to, which is the performance aspect. Your website truly isn’t a winning site if the code isn’t optimized for both function and code.

By and large, web developers should responsible for building a website that is optimized for both. These are the basics of being search engine friendly. Unfortunately, many developers simply don’t understand–or don’t care–about this.

On the base level, performance-optimized code ensures that search engines and visitors get the best onsite experience.

Site Messaging

The second foundation, as noted above, is the content of the site. But not just words that fulfill some kind of search requirement, but content that has a purpose. That’s what messaging is all about.

Where the construction helps ensure the content can be found, the messaging ensures the content has value to the visitor.

Every page of a website needs to have a very distinct purpose. The message of the page must support that purpose, and help facilitate the visitor to take the next most beneficial action in their journey.

Without a message you only have content. It might get you search rankings and traffic, but without a message, the content will fall flat. It won’t resonate with the visitor, so they’ll be more likely to leave than to stay and engage.

Of all the thing there are to focus on in digital marketing, these two foundations are the most critical. Everything else is built upon these things. Without them, all your efforts are likely to crash. But get these right, and everything else is pretty smooth sailing.

Checklist for Site Construction and Messaging

  • Run search spiders through the site to make sure all pages can be discovered.

  • Run site speed tools to see if there are areas where you can reduce code bloat.

  • Determine a clear, consise message and purpose for every page on your website.

  • Write page content that supports that message and purpose.

  • Make sure content is free of formatting, spelling, grammatical, and readability issues.

  • Make sure content is organized in the most user-friendly way.

  • Create a clear and compelling call-to-action on each page to lead the visitor to the next step.

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