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E-Marketing Performance Blog

FUD fight?

Last week I was listening to Chris from SearchAnyway.com talk about Click Fraud. His theory is that click fraud is all hype. FUD as he called it. Based on Fear Uncertainty and Doubt.

Rather than being fraudulent clicks, he proposes that more clicks are invalid. He defined “invalid” clicks as when the visitor doesn’t stay on the page for more than a few moments, and he said it is your own fault.

I thought Chris made a good point. I wrote previously about the Landing Page Handbook by MarketingSherpa claiming your visitor takes 2 – 8 seconds to decide if you’ve got what he wants. Chris backs this concept up with visitors leaving for two different reasons: Either you’re writing the wrong ad copy or you’re bringing your visitors to the wrong landing page.

Before shouting FOOD FIGHT if you think you’re getting more clicks than you should be, you might check your stats to see how long visitors are staying on your page before leaving. See a lot of click and go? Then look over your ad copy and landing pages. Think in terms of what you might do to improve things with either your ad copy or your landing page. Or both.

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