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E-Marketing Performance Blog

Let It Go, Stoney. Just Let It Go.

I posted a blog about how in our society writers are under appreciated and the skill of writing is devalued. Now every day Stoney reminds me that I am appreciated as a writer here at Pole Position Marketing. Again, I didn’t mean that I felt unappreciated here and I have never felt unappreciated here at work, not that I don’t bask in the extra praise I’ve received since then.

The point of the blog was that many people think they can write, but lets face it, they can’t. It takes years of practice and knowledge to get a firm grasp on the English language. You have to know the rules to break them. The ones who are vehemently opposed to paying someone to “write their ideas for them” are usually the worst writers out there.

Stoney, you’re a great writer and I know that I am appreciated here. So, let it go already! Heal thyself.

Everyone needs a writer or at least a proofreader. Here are a few demonstrations of my point:

Even “writers” need a little help sometimes.

The best I’ve seen was a sign for a canned food drive. It read, “Can Food Drive?” It even had the question mark. Hmm?

Let’s hear your best! Or should I say worst?

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