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E-Marketing Performance Blog

How Video Transcription Can Help Build Links #linksecrets

Many influencers and/or experts from different industries use videos as a medium to communicate their brands’ messages and also to showcase their expertise. Using this content format these days may come in various forms such as:

  • Video tutorials
  • Conference presentations
  • Webinars, hangouts or Q&As
  • Video blogs
  • Infomercials and kinetic typography

Transcribing videos created by thought-leaders in your industry and publishing the transcription on your own website can benefit you in so many ways, seeing that:

  • The method allows you to build linkable content almost instantly (since the information shared is from an industry/topic expert).
  • It helps you to get on your target prospects’ radar, which will make it easier for you to connect, engage and build relationships with them.
  • You can get links directly from them (through attribution), if they decide to use your transcriptions alongside their videos.

What makes this strategy really viable is that videos—as a platform for online marketing—have been well accepted and widely utilized in many industries, which means the tactic can be replicated on any other verticals.

Transcribing videos by thought-leaders allows you to build linkable content almost instantly. [tweet this]


Earlier this year, Ross Hudgens did a transcript of Matt Cutts’ webmaster help video on what Google SEO changes are coming next.

Ross notified Matt Cutts about it:

JA - LBS 2014 Image1

And Matt obviously liked it:

JA - LBS 2014 Image2

Tips on transcribing videos

  • You can do it manually, or you can also use InqScribe, video transcription software.
  • Make sure that the transcript is readable by removing the uhms, ahs, breaking the transcript into shorter paragraphs, appropriate use of punctuation, commas, etc., and include images/screenshots if possible.
  • Don’t forget to give link attribution to the original source of the video content when you publish the transcript on your site/blog.
  • Let the original source of the video content know about the transcript you’ve created, and start engaging.

This tip, and 19 more, can be downloaded in one PDF.

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