I’ve lost my mojo. Please help me find it.
My writing professor used to always tell us not to wait for inspiration to start writing. Sometimes that’s hard, especially when your words are in the public domain. It’s not like this blog gets filed away in a binder somewhere. Whenever we hit that “publish” button our words are out there, being read or ignored. All too often I walk away from a week of blogging and feel like my musings were merely “OK”.
For the past couple of weeks I’ve blogged very little. Part of that was because of being extremely busy at the office and part of that has been because I just didn’t feel “inspired”. Where, oh where has my mojo gone?
But sometimes the best inspiration comes from just starting to put pen to paper, or in this case, fingers to keyboard. Just because it gets written doesn’t mean it has to get published. Using your uninspired writing as a means to draw inspiration is, well, inspiring. But once you do get inspired its important to go back to review, edit, and mostly just delete what was written prior to that.
More times than not I find myself starting poorly and a few paragraphs into it I write a few sentences that turn out to be a great opening. This can then lead to a total change of focus and direction, which then helps turn an uninspired writing into a truly inspired piece.
So as I sit here, uninspired, if you happen to find my mojo, please return it to me. If you have an idea of how I can get it back, say, by suggesting a topic or two that I can blog about, send that along. I find that mojo is attracted to good ideas. Lately I’ve had few.
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