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Professional Search Engine Optimization with PHP

Professional Search Engine Optimization with PHPProfessional Search Engine Optimization with PHP: A Developer’s Guide to SEO
Authors: Jaimie Sirovich and Cristian Darie
Paperback: 360 pages
Cost: $26.39
Published: April 2007

Running a successful search engine optimization firm means that I have to have a solid understanding in numerous coding strategies that can play a role in an SEO campaign. I’m not a programmer, and don’t know a lick about PHP, but I also knew that pSEOwPHP would be a valuable book worth reading. I was right.

pSEOwPHP is a book written by programmers for programmers. Rarely will you go more than a couple of pages without getting an in-depth look at php code illustrating just how certain jobs are done. But that should not dissuade the non-programmer. Going through this book I did a good deal of skipping. I don’t need to know the code–wouldn’t understand it anyway–but what I did get was a solid grasp on how PHP can be an extremely effective tool in a search engine optimization campaign.

So what can you learn in a book about PHP without knowing PHP? You’ll get a crash course in creating search engine friendly URLs, redirects, duplicate content, search friendly html, web feeds, sitemaps, link bait, cloaking and a whole lot in between. For the non-programmer I found all the things that you can do with PHP fascinating. The concepts here are nothing new but I’m certain my programmers will find information in here that they can apply liberally throughout our client campaigns.

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