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E-Marketing Performance Blog

Do Visitor’s Know When You’re Open or Available?

Yes, We're Open

It may sound like a ridiculous thing to have to say, but far too many businesses continue to neglect this “obvious” thing: Display your hours of operation on your contact page.

Many of us now work in a 24/7 environment. People can email us or call and leave a voice mail at all hours. But even if that’s you, we all know there are better times to reach you than others. Let people know when those hours are.

If you operate a physical location and business hours are limited, or you only answer the phone during specific times, outline these times on your site so visitors will know when they are most likely to get a live person.

It’s all about setting expectations. Without this information the “expectation” may be that you don’t care or won’t get back to them in a timely manner. When people feel that way, they generally won’t bother contacting you in the first place.

Bonus tip: Let visitors know how soon they can expect a response if the call, email or submit a form through your site.


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