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E-Marketing Performance Blog

School of Blogs

Blogs have finally made it into the classroom! Clarence Fisher, a middle-school teacher in a small town in Canada has introduced his students to blogs and online writing.

“He’s more than glad to do it. Like other teachers bringing blogging into the classroom, he thinks the online journals will spark students’ enthusiasm for computers, writing and opining.”

I think this might be a good idea that will help get kids familiar with what the web has to offer, plus adding a little fun when they see that someone has commented on what they wrote.

But Fisher isn’t the only one who’s doing this.

“Fisher is among a small but growing number of teachers and professors experimenting with classroom blogs. The exact number is hard to pin down but it’s well into the thousands, said Will Richardson, author of “An Educator’s Guide to Blogs, Wikis, Podcasts and Other Cool New Web Tools that are Transforming the Classroom,” which is set for publication next year.”

“‘I think that blogs have a bad reputation,’ Richardson said. ‘People think of them as online journals or diaries, but they are much more than that. They are learning tools.'”

It’s about time this has caught on!

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