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E-Marketing Performance Blog

SearchMash Mashes Wikipedia

While I was guest blogging over at search engine guide I write up about Google’s SearchMash engine. Today I noticed that they added a couple of new features:

Image results moved: Once on the right side (where I liked them) images have been moved to the bottom of the page. I almost missed them completely because you have to scroll past the first ten results to find them. The bonus here is you get more images, seven instead of three.

Wikipedia results: Where image results use to be SearchMash now gives you the option to see Wikipedia results. Hidden by default, simply expand to see a handful of Wikipedia links.

Hide Details: Allows you to hide certain portions of the search results, whether that be the main results, image results or Wikipedia results.

A couple of other cool things, when you click on more web pages, the images still stay at the bottom so you can easily click through to them if you want. If you do, an extremely truncated version of the main results appears below all the images for quick reference back again.

The biggest loss on the new version of SearchMash is that the search bar does not remain in place at the top of the screen. I liked not having to scroll all the way back to the top to perform a new search. Aside from that SearchMash is quickly becoming one of my favorite search destinations.

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