There is a lot of fascinating news out there today. Let me explain… no time for that. Let me sum up:
Become a Master of Metaphor and Multiply Your Blogging Effectiveness
Write a Better Blog Series In One Sitting – (hat tip to Jen Laycock)
When Social Media Sinks it’s Own Ship… – Jennifer thinks along the same lines as me. When Digg caved to its users they did the “popular” thing, but not necessarily the right thing. (If you haven’t voted in my Digg Poll, do so now!)
The Day the Digging Died – A different–and excellent–perspective on the Diggcident. (Hat tip to Lisa Barone)
The Art Of SEO For Wikipedia – O’Craig, where art thou?
Yahoo Supports New Robots-Nocontent Tag To Block Indexing Within A Page
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