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E-Marketing Performance Blog

The Devil in Website Design Is in the Details—But We Have a Checklist For That

Design Considerations Infographic Part 2

They say the devil is in the details, and that could not be more true than it is with website design. Everything from the colors you use to things your users can’t even see can impact your website’s effectiveness.

So much goes into website design, in fact, that we had to break our checklist of website design considerations up into two separate infographics. The first covered some of the bigger and more common issues people think of when it comes to website design. You’ll see some other pretty obvious issues here too, but there are also a number of finer details you may not have considered before.

Whether you are still designing your site or it has been up and running for awhile, we encourage you to look at these considerations and test them out on your site. You may be surprised by how much applying these best practices can increase user engagement and, ultimately, conversions.

Design Considerations Infographic Part 2

Download a Printable PDF

This checklist is a part of the free downloadable companion piece to The Best Damn Web Marketing Checklist, Period! Download The Best Damn Web Marketing Cheat Sheet! for an easy-to-print and check-off version that includes this and 35 other checklists!

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<a href=”https://www.polepositionmarketing.com/emp/website-design-checklist-part-2/” rel=”nofollow”><img title=”Website Design Considerations Checklist Infographic Part 2″ src=”https://www.polepositionmarketing.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/Design-Considerations-Infographic-Part-21.jpg” alt=”Keep Website Visitors Engaged with theses Design Considerations [Checklist] #webmarketing #infographic @PolePositionMKG” width=”” height=”” /></a><br /><a href=”https://www.polepositionmarketing.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/Design-Considerations-Infographic-Part-2.jpg” rel=”nofollow”>Infographic</a> by <a href=”https://www.polepositionmarketing.com” rel=”nofollow”>Pole Position Marketing</a>

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