The more organized and purposeful your content is, the more likely you are to keep visitors engaged with your site. And an engaged visitor is far more likely to stay on your site and learn more about your products and services. A disengaged visitor is most likely to leave.
So how do you build engaging content? You can start by doing the opposite of the following. If your content does any of these things, you know it sucks.
If your content does any of these 12 things, you know it sucks.
- Has lots of words with little value.
- Doesn’t provide enough information to truly inform the reader.
- After scanning through the entire page, the reader still doesn’t know what you do.
- Uses lots of grand platitudes with nothing to back them up (We’re #1!)
- Doesn’t outline the problem that your product or service solves.
- Outlines the problem, but doesn’t explain how you solve it.
- Uses lots of jargon known to relatively few outside your industry.
- No words, just pretty pictures.
- No headings.
- Long paragraphs.
- No helpful text links to other content.
- No easily identifiable calls to action.
If your content is hitting one or more of the above points, you have a problem. It’s time to get that fixed.
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Content Marketing