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E-Marketing Performance Blog

Donald Trump = Stoney deGeyter?

I am the aforementioned “Apprentice”. As one of the newest crew members of this team, I found it quite exciting to dive head first into the world of search engine optimization. Being a baby SEO, I’ve noticed an underlying theme towards my approach to learning: self-motivation.

I’ve spent the majority of my first few weeks exploring the area of keyword research and have had to scour the web for resources in learning how to compile a list. The greatest lesson I’ve learned is that with some patience and ingenuity, teaching oneself the ways of SEO is possible.

I’ve also discovered how many valuable tools Google offers SEOs in compiling data and research. Lately, I’ve been using Google Adwords for research.

In the coming weeks, I hope to impress Mr. Trump with my strength and strikingly good work ethic as I fulfill my role as the “Apprentice”.

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