Here in Ohio, we’ve had a nice week of sunny weather in the mid-70’s, and it’s amazing how a week of sunshine makes you feel! It’s made us feel so good, that part of the crew has made a resolution to start working off that winter weight with an afternoon plank break. I’m realizing just how out-of-shape I am! After the planks, it’s back to the desk to catch our breath and catch up on the latest happenings in the web marketing world. Here’s a sampling of what the crew has been reading this week.
Direct Advice on Direct Traffic by @analyticspros, Justin Spencer
“Direct Traffic” is a bit of a misnomer and does not always indicate people who came directly to your site. Learn about situations and red flags that can signal if your site traffic is being labeled incorrectly and what you can do about it.
Jeff Bezos’ Secret to High Conversion Rates by @TheGrok, Bryan Eisenberg
Conversions matter more than traffic. If you’re just building traffic, you’re building a failing business. You need to build sales. Brian explains.
HTML5: An Essential Weapon for SEOs by @DanCristo, Daniel Cristo
I’m a big fan of HTML5 and all its applications. It’s cleaner, smoother and has a lot of robust functionality that you just couldn’t get without using additional technologies. It’s also a good thing for SEO! Daniel Cristo explains why.
How to Pull Your Content Creation Process out of Creative Hell by @ianhumphreys, Ian Humphreys
While meant to be productive, content brainstorming sessions can become monotonous, frustrating—in short, anything but productive. Ian gives you some tips for making sure you walk away from your next meeting of the minds with your mission accomplished. The first tip? Think of brainstorming sessions as 5Ks, not marathons.
Instagram Gets Personal with User Tags by @nickcicero, Nick Cicero
Instagram released new features this week allowing users to tag other users in their photos. This will allow them to tag good and bad photos of friends and brands. Something else to add to the online reputation checklist!
New LinkedIn Contacts: Aims to Be Your Personal Assistant by Joshua Sophy
LinkedIn recently launched its new LinkedIn Contacts. This new feature allows you to connect other address books, calendars and email with LinkedIn, and see your recent conversations, meetings and saved notes directly on your contact’s profile. Joshua gives you the skinny on how this new feature works.
What have you been reading this week?