Over the past several years many businesses have found their sites hit with a Google penalty of some kind. Whether it be due to lousy content or crappy links, Google has made it clear that site’s that employ those tactics may see temporary success, but their time will come. And it did for a lot of websites out there. For these businesses, the question then becomes, how do you get your site out of a penalty?
I think this video sums it up nicely…
In fact, this video sums up a lot of SEO. We look for problems and fix them. For the most part, though, the problems SEOs fix are not malicious. We just want to make the site better. Penalties, though, are a different matter.
So how does one go about getting out of a penalty. Pretty simple really… find the offense and fix it. I know, it sounds trite and over-simplified, but that’s where it starts. If you have crappy links, clean them up. If you have lousy content, get rid of it and/or make it more valuable. Purge your site of all offenses and make sure everything you do is about offering value to your audience.
When you chase algorithms, eventually they’ll catch you. At that point, you just need to FIX IT!