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E-Marketing Performance Blog

Why You Should Create Optimized Landing Pages

Landing Pages

We all know that search engines look at the quality of a page as part of determining its relevance for a particular search. While search engines might use different algorithms for determining relevance for paid and organic results, the idea behind page quality is the same. The higher relevance a page has to the topic, the higher placement it will achieve.

We often think of PPC landing pages and optimized pages as being two separate pages altogether. But in many cases they can be one in the same. Landing pages need to be optimized, and optimized pages need to act as effective landing pages. The goal for both is the same: Get the sale!

Creating an optimized landing page is about creating a page that works great for both PPC and SEO purposes. [Tweet This] If your organically optimized page isn’t a good landing page for conversions, then you’re throwing away good money. You want just as good of a conversion rate for your organic traffic as you get for your paid traffic.

There are some cases where it makes better sense to deliver PPC traffic to a non-optimized page — one designed specifically for paid traffic. However for most situations, you should be able to drop your paid traffic onto your optimized pages and see a strong result. The key is to make sure that you don’t drop them on a page that has only been optimized for rankings, but one that has been optimized for conversions, too.

Excerpt taken from The Best Damn Web Marketing Checklist, Period!

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