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E-Marketing Performance Blog

Minor Setbacks

I fried the motherboard on my laptop last week which means I’ve been crippled since. My first problem is my loss of my passwords. I use roboform to help me store all my passwords (almost 300 of them) so when I lost that I found that I had a hard time getting anywhere or anything done.

Most places will send you your password via email but without my computer I had to rely on web based mail, which I did not have the password for either. After several attempts I finally was able to “find” the right password and was able to log in, but the webmail web mail system was malfunctioning. I have up for the night.

The system was fixed the next day so I got in to check my email. I use a client-side spam filter called cloudmark. This is great for filtering spam, I hardly ever notice I get any, but going web based I had to sort through incredible amounts of junk. Undoubtedly I inadvertently deleted some genuine emails.

I know, I need to use the server side spam filters as well, but I don’t trust those. With cloudmark I can check my spam box at any time right there in outlook. Server side spam filters scare me, especially considering one web host I used (Go Daddy) automatically filtered out many genuine business emails and I was told there is no lower setting for their spam filters. That was a short-lived relationship!

Most of my daily tasks lists are also on my local hard drive so I lost all that information as well (at least temporarily). Luckily almost all of my local hard drive information is backed up to a server, but in a place that’s hidden. I guess I need to un-hide that so I can pull my files if this ever happens again.

Right now I’m working from a secondary computer but it really screws me up because all the settings are different. I should have my laptop back in a couple of days and everything will be screaming again soon. And, of course, now that I’ve recovered my passwords, bookmarks and (almost) everything else, I’ll be blogging.

Oh, I normally use the spellcheck extention in FireFox but since I have so far been to lazy to download it on this temporary machine I used the Google toolbar’s (for FireFox) spell check feature. Yeah, I miss my regular settings!

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