Proper keyword selection can help you establish the proper foundation for most of your online marketing efforts. The keywords you target can make the difference between a highly successful campaign that drives quantities of quality leads, and a campaign that delivers very little relevant traffic.
The keywords you choose will help power your search engine optimization efforts, sponsored ad campaigns, link building campaigns, press releases and more. Before you begin any of these marketing efforts you must have already determined what themes your site will be built upon, and what keywords will fuel your online marketing efforts.
You’ll want to note that there is a big difference between a marketing campaign that delivers a lot of traffic to your site and one that delivers relevant traffic to your site. More often than not, sites that generate small amounts of targeted traffic see a better return on investment than sites that generate large amounts of untargeted traffic.
This post is part of a continuing series on the topic of:
Optimizing for Maximum Search Engine Performance
Sub-Topic: Research Your Targeted Keywords.