Brian Clark (copyblogger) has just released a quick 22-page download (or audio recording) titled, Teaching Sells: Forget everything you know about making money online… and start making some. In this report Brian teases us with the concept of making money through distribution of content. Forget giving reports away for free and start selling it! (Is it just me that finds it ironic that a report about not giving away content for free was free?)
Brian explains that people are still willing to pay for information that has a higher perceived value. Making money online is as simple as finding the content people are willing to pay for and making it available to a larger audience.
Don’t expect the Teaching Sells document to answer any real questions.This report is just designed to whet your appetite for the Teaching Sells training program that Brian is putting together. He promises useful tips, and strategies that you can use to learn how to sell content, a model that Brian says he has been doing successfully for a number of years now.
This document doesn’t provide any hard and fast strategies, but does open the door to a new way of thinking that Brian will presumably expand upon in much greater detail as the website goes live. If you’re looking for new opportunities or strategies, get the free download and see if the “Teaching Sells” path is right for you.
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