Work Smarter is all about making your day more productive. It’s not just about using your time better, but about doing the right things in the right way.
Work Smarter Not Harder: 18 Productivity Tips That Boost Your Work Day Performance
by Timo Kiander
I love books that are easy to read and even easier to find implementable nuggets. Kiander has provided just that with Work Smarter. At less than 75 pages, there is no time to get bogged down into complex theories of how our brains and bodies work. Instead, we get 18 easy to digest nuggets of wisdom on how to improve our work day.
You have probably heard of most of these tips before, but it’s nice to 1) have the reminder and 2) have them all in one place. But what makes Work Smarter really applicable is that most of the tips come with a variety of suggestions on how to implement, giving you the ability to figure out what works best for you.
Not every tip will be for everyone. I know that I can’t shut off my email most of the day, but some people can–and should. Ultimately, you want to find the tips that you can implement and find ways to get close to implementing those that you can’t.
And even if you can only implement a few, I’m sure you’ll find yourself having a more productive day!